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home inspections for older homes, Wilmington, DE
Pre-List home inspection Middletown, DE
home inspections for homes 100yr old Glen Mills, PA

Why wait for the buyers to bring in their home inspector?


Find out the exact condition of your property by doing a pre-list home inspection, alleviate your biggest fear as a seller and that is when the buyer brings in their home inspector that something will be discovered that kills the sale. Why wait for the buyer's inspection? By having a home inspection before hitting the market, you'll find out the exact condition of your home.


Minimize stress - Not knowing if there is something wrong with your home will add a lot of stress to the sale process, stop worrying that the sale will fall through because of what turns up with the buyers' inspection. A pre-list inspection will let you know whether you may or may not need to do repairs.


Feel more confident about the current condition of your home. 


Most agents along with giving you advise on cleaning clutter and painting things a neutral hue will tell you to make major repairs before you list your home. Most homeowners are not going to know where to begin with identifying defects that should be disclosed or repaired without hiring an experienced inspector. We present you with a very easy to understand report listing Major defects, Saftey concerns and service/repairs items with color photos. You then can set your own schedule for repairs, thus putting your home on the market with confidence you've corrected any large problems leading to less likelihood of negotiations.


  • Find out what condition your home is in

  • Fix the deal breakers

  • Pricing the home accurately is much easier

  • Get the competitive edge 

  • Avoid re-negotiations 

  • Sell more quickly and smoothly



Having the most experienced home inspection company in your corner gives you peace of mind.

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