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Drone Inspections for Your Roof:
No Roof is too High or
Too Steep to be Inspected


Reliable Home Inspection Service has three Home Inspectors on staff that are also licensed drone pilots. We offer drone inspections of roofs and of hard to reach areas of a Home and or Commercial structures.

Drone for home inspections



The Reason Why


The standard protocol for home inspectors is to go on the roof if possible. When climbing the roof is not possible, it could be viewed at the eaves with a laffer or viewed from the ground with binoculars. Also, if the attic can be entered - a careful look at the sheathing will help  indicate how the roof is doing.







***Some roofs are too steep to walk or are made from materials that cannot be walked on for several reasons. Some roofs will be damaged by the weight of the inspector and some roofing is too slippery to walk on top of.


The drone is not as good as standing on the roof, but if the roof and the chimneys cannot be inspected any other way - this new technology offers opportunities to find issues that might have been missed from the ground. 


The Drone Offers:


  • 20 MP snapshots

  • A 4k video that can be delivered on your flash drive

  • The option to reduce the resolution of the photos so that they can be included in the home inspection report or both.

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